Casanova - the most expected upcoming malayalam movie has started rolling in Dubai. This will be followed by two weeks shooting in Bangkok. The Mohanlal starrer movie is the dream project of the Director Roshan Andrews as well as the most expected Malayalam Movie of all time. The movie is expected to be the most stylish and high budgeted movie till date. Cassanova will be the most romantic movie ever done by our superstar Mohanlal.
Tags: Mohanlal, Casanova, Photos, Wallpapers, Malayalam Movie Casanova, Casanova Stills, Mohanlal Casanova wallpapers, Casanova images, Casanova photogallery, Roshan Andrews, Casanova movie preview, Casanova locations, cast and crew of the malayalam movie casanova, casanova movie details, mohanlal Casanova look, Mohanlal photos from Casanova, Casanova Movie stills, Casanova movie photogallery, mohanlal images from Casanova, malayalam movie Casanova wallpapers, Mohanlal-vikram, Mohanlal casanova photoshoot, mohanlal casanova gallery, vikram stills from casanova, Sameera reddy, lakshmi Rai, Mohanlal as Casanova.
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